Get it on March 18th

Something’s Up with Arlo

A middle grade ghost story from HarperCollins Canada

A spooky-sweet middle-grade novel about remembering the past in order to brave the future.

Twelve-year-old Emily Nero’s best friend is a ghost.

For as long as Nero can remember, she’s been “haunted” by Arlo. He’s always had her back, especially as Nero navigates her never-impressed parents, and being the "weird girl" at school. When Nero earns the chance to start Grade 7 at a prestigious private school, she's hopeful that things will change for the better.

But on Nero’s first day at her new school, something’s up with Arlo, something very wrong: her best friend is turning from friendly ghost to fiendish ghoul. Glitching electronics, flickering lights, bad smells, and cold drafts are only the beginning. Arlo is changing, and it's up to Nero to find out why, and how to help him, even as the answers bring her hauntingly close to home.

  • This intergenerational story follows a 21st century Italian-Canadian kid as she researches more about her family’s history (including an adventure to the city archives), all the while learning to process the scars of intergenerational trauma. Nero also learns how to overcome her anger, perfectionism, and jealousy to make new friends. The story prominently features a History class, where the teacher urges his students to investigate deeper into histories they think they know to find the truth.

    This is a great supplement to class conversations about:

    • “Forgotten” histories of marginalized or over-looked communities

    • Research skills, especially archival and library research

    • The cultural mosaic of Canada/North America

    • Social and emotional learning, particularly coping with family or friend struggles

    • Ghosts, hauntings, and folklore